Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blood, sweat, tears, and cryptography

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is quite a bit more powerful than the methods described in my previous blog post. It is widely used among private companies and governments to encrypt text, passwords, and file contents. There are several other encryption standards, which I won't delve into. This website provides a free tool to code and decode messages using AES, and so do many others.

On a personal note, those close to me will know that the past two years have brought some of the biggest challenges in my life (don't mean to be dramatic, I swear!), and also some fun memorable moments To all who have been there in some way or another - I would like to thank you in the form of an encrypted message. All you have to do is use the links with your initials to find my individualized salute to you. Oh, and you all have to ask for your individualized link & passwords


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